Join us at the Latchis Theatre for a special, one-time-only screening of the locally made 1-hr documentary BREAK THE SILENCE: REPRODUCTIVE & SEXUAL HEALTH STORIES, created by Willow O’Feral in collaboration with the Women’s Action Team.
Following the film screening, VT State Rep. Emilie Kornheiser and Sam Donnelly (Campaign Manager, VT for Reproductive Liberty) will discuss the Reproductive Liberty Amendment (Article 22) which is on our ballot this fall!
Suggested donation $20. NOTAFLOF. All proceeds will support the RLA.
Featuring raw, powerful interviews with 18 diverse cisgender and transgender women from the Brattleboro area and environs about their sexual & reproductive health histories. Challenging social taboo with unflinching candor, vulnerability, and often great humor, BREAK THE SILENCE kickstarts vitally important community conversations around sexual education, health, autonomy, pleasure, and human rights. Filmmaker Willow O’Feral co-created this documentary with the grassroots collective tWAT (the Women’s Action Team), using a reproductive justice praxis. WINNER – Best Documentary Feature Award at La Frontera Queer Film Festival, WINNER – PPNNE Choice Champion Award.
“This documentary should be seen and digested by anyone with a pulse.”
– Donna Macomber of the Women’s Freedom Center
“Through an intersectional approach, [BREAK THE SILENCE] invites us to consider how our own personal experiences are embedded within the larger social structures of class, ethnicity and justice.”
– Global Health Film Days, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
“Incredibly intimate, thoughtful, moving. I hope this is seen in many, many more communities as a tool for change.”
– Green Mountain Film Festival

The Reproductive Liberty Amendment, previously Prop 5, will be a ballot measure in Vermont’s 2022 General Election. If passed, it would amend Vermont’s constitution to protect every person’s right to make their own reproductive decisions, like whether and when to become pregnant, use temporary or permanent birth control, or seek abortion care.
The RLA article itself reads: “That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”
MORE INFO about the RLA: